halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild

Jeshua Dreyfus

Jeshua Dreyfus

was born in 1985 and grew up in the Swiss Alps. At the age of 18 he completed his first notable film, a 25-minute documentary about the cultural diversity of India. While studying philosophy and economics at the University of Basel, he assisted renowned film and theatre personalities and made three short films, of which his latest (THE BACK DOOR) was awarded numerous prizes. NEVER MIND is Dreyfus's first feature.
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„HALB SO WILD bebildert die Krämpfe der verlängerten Adoleszenz.“

Der Bund

„Ein Höhenflug... Jeshua Dreyfus' Erstlingswerk überzeugt alle.“

Aargauer Zeitung

Jeshua Dreyfus and Matthias Gauerke.© Robert Schramm
First day in the mountains.© Ruben Klein
Anna von Haebler.© Cécile Wagner
Disenchantment: the outhouse.© Oliver Russ
March to the location in the Onsernone valley.© Ruben Klein
Robert Schramm.© Cécile Wagner
For Matthias Gauerke, the Swiss topography is unfamiliar.© Ruben Klein
Jeshua Dreyfus, Robert Schramm, and Anna von Haebler.© Ruben Klein
Jamila Saab and Stefan Leonhardsberger.© Ruben Klein
Oliver Russ and Cécile Wagner.© Robert Schramm
Pink boosts creativity.© Ruben Klein
Stefan Leonhardsberger.© Ruben Klein
Robert Schramm.© Ruben Klein
On-set editing room, laundry room, and costume storage.© Ruben Klein
After a couple of weeks, exhaustion kicks in.© Louis F. Golay
Stefan Leonhardsberger.© Oliver Russ
The last shoot review.© Louis F. Golay
Cécile Wagner.© Robert Schramm