halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild halb so wild

Short Synopsis

Summer break: five friends go on a trip to a remote valley in Switzerland. Far away from civilization they start playing a game where everyone has to be brutally honest with each other. Soon, old wounds are reopened. Things are said that kick off a gruelling process, and after a couple of days, nothing is the same anymore.

Produced by a group of friends and with a very small budget, this debut feature plays with genres and clichés, with nature acting as a catalyst to the personal struggles of five young adults.

(80 Min, Switzerland 2013, German with English / French / Italian subtitles, DCP 2K, Dolby Digital 5.1)


Director's Statement

“Thinking about the shoot of NEVER MIND makes me shiver: We were 15 people who went on an isolated mountain, started filming, and didn’t stop for 30 days straight. It was incredibly intense. At some point, everybody reached their limits; we couldn’t differentiate between the characters's quarrels and our own personal struggles on set anymore. Dangerous territory.

Later in the editing room, we saw that the blood, sweat, and tears had paid off: The authenticity and directness of our material was overwhelming. We got what we had wished for.”

Jeshua Dreyfus (director / writer)


NEVER MIND had its world premiere at the Festival Max Ophüls Prize 2013 (main competition) in Saarbrücken, Germany.

At the Solothurn Film Festival 2013 (Switzerland) it was nominated for the Prix du Public.

Further Festivals:

Taipei Film Festival, Taiwan
Molodist International Film Festival, Kiev, Ukraine
Tashkent International Film Forum 'Golden Guepard', Uzbekistan
Castellinaria Festival, Bellinzona, Switzerland
Bern Film Prize Festival, Switzerland
South Texas Underground Film Festival, USA
Cinerama.BC Festival, Brazil
EuroCine Quito, Ecuador
Schaffhausen Film Festival, Switzerland
Festival 'Der Neue Heimatfilm' Freistadt, Austria


NEVER MIND wins the Berne 'Up and Coming' Film Prize,

the Culture Promotion Prize of Thun,

scoops the Premio Utopia at the Castellinaria Festival

and the Golden Guepard for best feature debut at the Tashkent Film Forum!

„Dass mit besonders wenigen Mitteln manchmal die besten Filme entstehen, bestätigt sich mit HALB SO WILD wieder einmal... Die Art und Weise, wie der Film erzählt wird, hat Reife und Klasse: sehr authentisch nämlich, mit ausgesprochen lebensnahen Szenen und Dialogen, in diesem – gerade im Schweizer Kino – leider so raren Tonfall also, der sich wirklich echt anfühlt.“

Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ

„A 'Höhenflug'... Jeshua Dreyfus’s feature debut convinces everybody.“

Aargauer Zeitung

Jeshua Dreyfus and Matthias Gauerke.© Robert Schramm
First day in the mountains.© Ruben Klein
Anna von Haebler.© Cécile Wagner
Disenchantment: the outhouse.© Oliver Russ
March to the location in the Onsernone valley.© Ruben Klein
Robert Schramm.© Cécile Wagner
For Matthias Gauerke, the Swiss topography is unfamiliar.© Ruben Klein
Jeshua Dreyfus, Robert Schramm, and Anna von Haebler.© Ruben Klein
Jamila Saab and Stefan Leonhardsberger.© Ruben Klein
Oliver Russ and Cécile Wagner.© Robert Schramm
Pink boosts creativity.© Ruben Klein
Stefan Leonhardsberger.© Ruben Klein
Robert Schramm.© Ruben Klein
On-set editing room, laundry room, and costume storage.© Ruben Klein
After a couple of weeks, exhaustion kicks in.© Louis F. Golay
Stefan Leonhardsberger.© Oliver Russ
The last shoot review.© Louis F. Golay
Cécile Wagner.© Robert Schramm